Sika Nilesen Lange

Sika Nielsen Lange

Assistant attorney


’’Jeg ved, hvor vigtigt det er, at en juridisk rådgiver og klienten kan forstå hinanden – både sprog, samfunds- og kulturmæssigt, da juridiske opgaver ofte har stor følelsesmæssig betydning især for den private klient. Efter endt uddannelse i Danmark er jeg flyttet tilbage til mit hjemland, hvor jeg glæder mig til at være med til at løfte forskellige opgaver for Arctic Law Greenland.’’

Business Areas:

Sika Nielsen Lange was born and raised in Nuuk and has been an assistant attorney at Arctic Law Greenland since June 2020.

Sika primarily works with the office’s debt collection and family law cases.

Additionally, Sika deals with civil disputes and acts as a support person for victims in criminal cases.


Through her work at Arctic Law Greenland, Sika has gained extensive experience appearing in district courts in Greenland, the Court of Greenland, and the High Court of Greenland. Being native to Greenland, she possesses in-depth knowledge of the Greenlandic legal system.

Honorary posts:

  • In addition to her role as an assistant attorney at Arctic Law Greenland, Sika serves on the board of Ikiu – The Independent Legal Aid Institution, and she is a member of Ladies Circle Nuuk.


Greenlandic, Danish, and English.


2025 – : Attorney, Arctic Law Greenland
2020 – 2024: Junior Attorney, Arctic Law Greenland ApS
2019 – 2020: Legal Officer at the Consumer and Competition Authority, Government of Greenland