
Professional legal advice to private individuals in Greenland.

Arctic Law Greenland ApS offers counselling to private clients within all legal matters. The firm assists private persons in court cases and act as mediators in conflicts.

We partake in negotiations alongside our clients.

Contract law

The contract most often determines your legal rights in business relations, and it is hence important that the contract meets your needs. We ensure that expectations are met between the parties before the contract is entered into, and we make sure the contract is compliant with legislation. We assist you in cases where a contract party is in default. Also look under the section on Agreements law.

Law of wills and succession

Vi rådgiver både om testamenter og ægtepagter, samejeoverenskomster for ugifte samlevende, forældremyndighedssager samt om vilkår for og bodeling ved separation.

På et tidspunkt i livet vil du komme i berøring med fordeling af arv eller fordeling af formue i øvrigt. Vær opmærksom på, at fordelingen kan afhænge af, om der er oprettet testamente eller ej, eller af om der er oprettet ægtepagt eller ej. Du kan i mange tilfælde opnå fordele ved at oprette testamente og ægtepagt. Et eksempel kunne være generationsskifte, hvor det kan være fordelagtigt at inddrage privatretten på et tidligt tidspunkt.

Vi rådgiver også sammenbragte familier omkring deres retsstilling i tilfælde af dødsfald både i forhold til deres økonomiske krav og i forhold til eventuelle myndighedsspørgsmål.

Det er altid en god ide at søge rådgivning omkring familieretlige spørgsmål, da det kan være alfa og omega for din retsstilling i fremtiden.

  • Testamenter
  • Arv
  • Bodeling
  • Samejeoverenskomster
  • Ægtepagter
  • Generationsskifte
  • Dødsboer
  • Familieret

Family Law

I takt med at familiemønstrene i samfundet udvikler sig, er det vores erfaring, at flere mennesker har behov for advokatbistand både til direkte konflikthåndtering, men også til rådgivning med henblik på at undgå konflikter. Kontorets jurister kan rådgive om et bredt udsnit af emner indenfor familieretten og kan derudover tilbyde mægling.

Insurance and compensation law

In cases of damage or injury where you have suffered a loss the firm can assist you in making a claim, as well as in assessing your chances of compensation and insurance. In this relation we ensure that the right documentation is procured and we assist the client in the correspondence with authorities and insurance companies. We also make sure that the client´s interests are looked after where a case goes to court or there is a dispute with the insurance.

Contract law

The contract most often determines your legal rights in business relations, and it is hence important that the contract meets your needs. We ensure that expectations are met between the parties before the contract is entered into, and we make sure the contract is compliant with legislation. We assist you in cases where a contract party is in default. Also look under the section on Agreements law.

Criminal law

The firm has a very long and extensive experience as defence within criminal law. It is our experience that it is important that the right defence lawyer is attached to the case from the very beginning. We assist our clients as early as possible and preferably before the case reaches the legal system.