Terms and conditions

When you take us on as attorneys we will arrange an exchange of expectations so that we become aware of what you require of us. On this basis we give you an estimate of our legal fee and you will receive a description of the task from us, where we outline what we expect to assist you with.

After the assignment has been completed we will store all documents and materials for 5 years, where after it is usually destroyed.

If you are a private client we are under an obligation to keep a copy of your passport, and we recommend that you bring a copy with you to our first meeting.

Conflicts of interest

In accordance with the guidelines and stipulations of the Danish Lawyers Association and our capacity procedures we determine whether there is a conflict of interest or loyalty before we take on an assignment. If such a conflict arises during the course of the case we will inform the client immediately. If the conflict results in us having to renounce the case we will recommend another law firm.


All employees of Arctic Law Greenland are under an obligation to treat all information and knowledge confidential. Any information from or regarding a client that we receive will be dealt with in a confidential manner, unless circumstances indicate that the information is not of a confidential nature.


Our prices are regulated by the ethical codex in place for attorneys. Our pricing is in alignment with the practice of the Danish lawyers association in Denmark based on section 126(2) of the Danish act on judicial procedure “An attorney can not claim a higher remuneration for his/her work than what is considered reasonable”.


To meet this requirement we base our fees on the following:


  • Nature and type of assignment
  • The responsibility related to the task
  • Economical extent of the case
  • The importance of the case to the client, including whether it was a case of utmost urgency
  • The result achieved


Our fees are based on the following tariffs:


  • Partner: 2,900.00 – 3,200.00 DKK/hour
  • Lawyer: 2,500.00 DKK/hour
  • Assistant attorney 2 and 3 years: 1,950.00 DKK/hour
  • Assistant attorney 1 year: 1,750.00 DKK/hour

Regarding our fee


If a client disputes the by us calculated fee, the client can file a fee complaint to Advokatsamfundet/ the Law Society. Further guidance can be found at this link:


Liability, limit of liability, and insurance

Until further please see Danish version.

Data Processes and Confidentiality

Until further please see Danish version.